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Compare Travel Insurance Media Room CTI warmly welcomes AIG

CTI warmly welcomes AIG

Aig joins comparison

Date published: 10 Oct 2014

AIG travel insurance products are now available online at Australian insurance comparison website, along with its stellar lineup of 21 travel insurers.

Natalie Ball, Director, said:

“We are delighted to be adding a reputable brand such as AIG to our travel insurance comparison. The addition of AIG diversifies the panel of insurance underwriters on the site providing our customers with greater product choice. Customers will now be able to compare even more travel insurance quotes, all in the one place.”

Richard Todd, Head of Consumer Insurance in Australia, AIG

AIG Australia is excited to be partnering with to provide Australian travellers with a comprehensive travel insurance program. Providing an extensive range of benefits at an affordable price will give customers a positive travel insurance experience with peace of mind.”

About AIG

AIG’s Travel Guard team provides a wide array of travel, medical and security services helping millions of travellers solve problems worldwide via their state-of-the-art Assistance Centres.  AIG’s newly released Travel Guard Mobile App enhances this market-leading service with an incredibly useful and easy to use tool. The  App provides users with the latest global travel advice from Smart Traveller® and access to the location of over 6,000 medical facilities & and Australian Embassies worldwide. To find out more about the Travel Guard App, visit or download free from iTunes and Google Play.

Their insurance is issued by AIG Australia Limited Australian Business Number93 004 727 753, Australian Financial Services License 381686.


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